Discover the Benefits of Using ScheduleReader for Construction & Engineering Projects
Large engineering and construction projects are extremely challenging. It is very difficult to predict every accident, supply chain delay or economic downturn that may affect a project.
So, having a solution that enables you to look into projects details, providing visibility and transparency across all projects while working in a familiar environment, with similar UI as the one in Oracle® P6® can ensure projects are completed on time and within budget.
By using ScheduleReader, engineering and construction organizations will enhance their efficiency with the standardized operations to export their projects as .XER or XML files, as well as the provided visibility and accountability across projects and programs on an enterprise level.
Consistent overview for your team throughout the whole project lifecycle
Complete projects within project timelines and costs.
Improve data visibility and communication
Complete projects within project timelines and costs.
Improve coordination
Exchange well formated, rich visual data among the project team.
Reduce project risk
Provide consistent over-view of project status at all stages of the project lifecycle.
Increase consistency
Work with projects exported as .XER or .XML files and eliminate the need to share data as PDF .
Easy-to-Use solution​
Simple way to filter, sort, group and create reports with low to no training costs.