ScheduleReader releases the newest version with specific features developed to increase the project team’s productivity and the project’s efficiency.
ScheduleReader 4.3 introduces more flexibility with the possible creation of fully customized groups, filters, and sorts with more parameters and navigation through activities using user-defined filters with primary resources.
Group by Multiple Codes/UDFs or More Parameters
ScheduleReader 4.3 is designed to allow users to organize their activities by Activity Codes that are specific to their organization or make more detailed re-organization by using multiple project parameters. Project teams will be able to organize the activities in the project plan by multiple Activity Codes/UDFs or by more than one parameter.
User-defined Sort
All project participants now can arrange the data inside Activity view. They can sort the information inside the view in any custom way they want, specifying its own sorting criteria.
Code Values and Description
The new version supports viewing Code Values or Code Description in the Activity/Project/Resource table. With this feature, the team working on a project will be given the possibility to choose which information to be presented, in order to maximize the worker’s efficiency.
Filter by Primary Resource
Users will be able to create user-defined filters where the Primary Resource field is included in the filter’s criteria. This way they could quickly view the resource that is responsible for coordinating an activity’s work.
Import Baselines from XML file
With this update, users can view baselines that are stored in .xml file format, along with the project plan. If project teams use .xml for sharing project information, from now on they can view different project versions saved as baselines.
Update Physical % Complete/Remaining Duration
The latest version also gives the opportunity to update the Physical % complete parameter for the project activities. It is a practical feature that allows choosing which parameter to be tracked in order to determine the project completeness.